Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Fabulous Assembly

Today the third and fourth grade did a wonderful job presenting their life-size humpback whale and whale research. Thanks to Marcia Bernard and Debbie Lee for helping to create the slideshow and assembly presentation. Thanks to B.Z. Reily for taking on a whale size project with the third grade!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


In third grade we are using the Pilgrim History Kit from the Deerfield History Museum. This kit includes models, reproduction artifacts, and children's literature in order to study the life of the Pilgrims and the Wampanoags in the late 1600's. We are also accessing the following online learning sites:

Plimoth Plantation

Check out Ms. Bernard's Wiki to learn more about the Pilgrims and Wampanoags:

Winter's Tail

Visit Winter, Knut, Owen and Mzee, and Miza


Ocean Science: Whales

October 15, 2009
Through read-aloud, discussion, and videos we are learning about the largest animals that have ever lived on this planet. We have been discussing threats to whales and the importance of taking caring of the Earth and its many habitats. Third and fourth graders are recording facts about these amazing mammals in their whale research books. In art, both classes have made ocean collages using black and white nature photos to depict whales swimming in watercolor oceans. Third graders are building a life-size humpback whale with B.Z.

Here are links to the videos we have watched to learn about different whales:

BBC- The Blue Whale

National Geographic- The Blue Whale

Humpback whales bubble-net feeding

Endless Ocean- Right Whale

Orcas Whale Watching

Fin Whale

Sperm Whale Versus Giant Squid

American Cetacean Society Fact Sheets